While working at Taxi Toronto in 2010. I worked almost exclusively on Canadian Tire focusing on Canadian Tire Automotive. During the summer of 2010, Canadian Tire purchased PartSource, giving them access to a parts bit of over 400,000 parts. So, they sold enough parts to build a car, and their Service Centres had the expertise […]
First Niagara Bank – Bluetooth Enabled Piggy Bank App
Meet Plink. He’s an actual WiFi enabled piggy bank that grows, learns and teaches kids how to save a budget for the things they want. Every time money is put into the piggy bank, Plink lights up and an in-app program is activated, linking the piggy bank money with the money kids have in their […]
Heart and Stroke Foundation – Social PSA
Yiri Fischer has long been an advocate of learning CPR since his heart attack. That gave us the idea to use his experience and the actual footage of his heart attack and life being saved by CPR in this this PSA. With some coaxing and a lot of effort negotiating with the NHL, and Yiri […]
Up Express – Multimedia/OOH/Stunt
Up Express is a new direct train to Person Airport from Union Station. How do you get the word out that you can go from downtown to the airport in 25? Here’s how.
Castrol – Print/Poster
I was able to mix my passion for racing cars into this NYF and London International Award winning poster and print campaign. The attitude and language was inspired straight from the trash-talking so common in pits of race tracks I compete on.